Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Pilates, Photography and Charleston dancing

Well we had our 3rd Thursday of afternoon activities this week. We started off with Photography were we took macro photos of nature out to the back of the school. We had to take photos of dead leaves with a clear background, Rob told us if we kept practicing we will get really good at it !!! Look out for my name in the Herald or Gazette :) After photography we had Pilate's which was really hard cause we were all still bruised from Carlingford which I am still on a buzz from hehe. We did loads of stretches. After Pilate's we had Charleston dancing with Ms. OR. We did some warm up but then went into our groups.  Meg went home sick early so we were left on our own. She was the leader so we went our last weeks routine. the class was like zombies we were so tired from the Junior Cert night which I think everyone has forgotten about. some people had hockey and other activities after school but I went home and relaxed !!!

Chat soon,
Eimear :)

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