Sunday, 15 January 2012

BT Young Scientist !!

All of T.Y's and 2nd Years went to the BT young scientist in the RDS on Friday the 13th !! When we got there we had 3 hours to look around. Firstly we went to the stands where our T.Ys were and all the projects were amazing. Isabelle,Niamh and Elaina did a project on a surfsolver app, Alswyn, Catríona and Sarah H did a project on Smells and Sarah D, Amy and Jeanne did a project on spiders. They were all amazing. After eeing all the prject we had a look around at the stands wegot loads of freebies and entered lots of competitons.... you never know we could be winning lots of things in a few weeks.  Congratulations to the winners from Dublin.


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